-I understand they're U2, and that they've significantly contributed to rock history, but I wish they'd just go away already.
-Same goes for Coldplay, minus the whole "significant contribution to rock," I seriously can not stand this band, nor its lead singer. I also firmly believe "Viva La Vida" is not their song.
-Carrie Underwood, I love you, but please stop trying so hard to be so .. hard. The whole, "I'm a badass because I drink tequila, and elope in Vegas, I'm so cool you guys," shtick is just annoying. Just be your amazingly voiced self, that's badass enough.
-Taylor Swift is amazing, and made to look even more amazing with the accompaniment of Miley Cyrus next to her. Miley ruined that song.
-Robert Plant, let Alison Krauss talk, and then after that, get back with Led Zeppelin, thanks. Love, everyone.
-Just seeing Jennifer Hudson makes me tear up, but was she lip syncing?
-Jason Mraz, chill with the bronzer, please.
-Holy shit, absolutepunk.net's server is down, and has been for almost half an hour after the confirmed blink182 reunion. In other words: YAY BLINK! Also, did anyone else think Tom Delonge seemed really not into the whole reunion thing?
-Katy Perry, you are an embarrassment to anyone with a vagina. Learn how to sing live, if in fact you were (which if you weren't learn to sing period, and talk to your engineers then cause damn that sounded horrible), also learn how to perform and not just walk/skip around the stage and touch your face with an "oh my!" expression.
-Estelle: now that is how you sing live.
-I've never listened to your music Adele, but.. yeah that's all I've got. Her expression after mentioning the Jonas Brothers was amazing.
-Robert Plant confesses that "Please Read the Letter" was actually a song that he and Jimmy Page wrote post-Zeppelin. We're all real thankful you decided to not record it with said writers, and do it instead with a bluegrass singer. Huh. Let's rewind 30 years and ask him if he ever thought he'd be singing bluegrass, also ask Jimmy Page what he thinks of it.. I'd love to know.
-The "Rap Pack" ... so many big egos, such a little stage. Also, love that they sampled from MIA, a female rapper. Lastly, MIA's unborn child is cooler than any living human being at the moment, but does it know it?
-Absolutepunk.net is still down.
-What was the point of the performance of "I Saw Her Standing There"? Oh, he's nominated for an award. Clearly that means he's going to win... or NOT. Did not see Mayer coming away with that! Shit. Way to switch things up Academy, I was about to rip on you for being so predictable with the whole "artist performing before category with which they are nominated!"
-I don't like country much at all but that Sugarland song is wonderful.
"..Preparing to tour the world. Friendships reformed." Tear.
-Odd that Gwyneth introduced Radiohead. I've never listened to In Rainbows, but I may start now. Also very cool performing with the USC marching band.
-TI no one has swagger like you, I hardly ever swoon, but I am.
-And tell me how Neil Diamond fits into the Grammys this year? I really hope the audience sings, "SO GOOD SO GOOD! SO GOOD!" .... and they didn't. Lame.
-I can't believe this thing isn't over yet.
-Why are so many artists appearing multiple times?
-What's with the girls and the umbrella dancing going on during Lil Wayne's and Robin Thicke's performance?
-Way to be predictable Academy.
-REALLY? You're putting the music on for FUCKING ROBERT PLANT? Unbelievable.