Almost there. (Yes, I realize I am drastically behind with this, but I did start a practically full-time job, so my inspirational bursts of opinions have been confined to certain hours of the day when I can barely even stay awake.) Songs 40-21. Exciting to say the least, no to say the most. I'm not going to lie, it was a completely non-surprising list. Led Zep? check. Ozzy? Sure. Let's throw some Green Day in for good measure! And we all know that Bret Michaels demanded that a Poison song be in the top half or else he wouldn't have hosted (or would he? could there be any more Bret Michaels infused commercials? Time Life compilations, Rock of Love Tour Bus, his new hideous sounding album? I didn't know what was worse his weave or the fact that he's actually
still putting himself out there- in public!- with that weave.) There were a few gems in this hour though like Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation" which I love for two reasons: it's awesome (as is Ms. Jett) and it reminds me of "Freaks and Geeks"- the great early 2000s high school show filled with Apatownians. I also liked, who am I kidding, LOVED, the inclusion of "Hot for Teacher" by Van Halen. Everytime I hear that song start up I lose it (what it is that I supposedly 'lose' I don't really know, but suffice to say I think that song kicks ass- and I hate Van Hagar.) "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" is awesome as well, since it showcases one of the finer moments in original frontman Bon Scott's short-lived career. Low, and I mean LOW, lights in the hour I thought, was the inclusion of "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam. I never, ever got into them. At all. I've expressed before my disinterest in the grunge movement of the early '90s, so maybe I'm bias. I also thought it was a little cheap shot to put the Ramones in this hour. Come on, they're the fucking Ramones! Really? I understand their genre was punk, but isn't punk one of the most hardest form of rock? Surely there is a song in 20-1 that is less hard than the weakest of all Ramones songs (disclaimer: not calling Blitzkrieg Bop the weakest Ramones song.)
Needless to say this next to last hour seemed (like I said before) to be very editorialized and forced. Here's to hoping hour 5 makes up for it.
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